The Broad Stroke of Trauma

The Broad Stroke of Trauma

The simple definition of trauma is that it is a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time. Merriam-Webster gives a more comprehensive definition of trauma. 1. a: an injury (as a wound) to...
Going Fishing: Young Adults in Mental Health Therapy

Going Fishing: Young Adults in Mental Health Therapy

There is a great movie called “A River Runs Through It” about family ties and learning how to unconditionally love those who challenge us with decisions and choices in their life that we may not agree with or understand. “Each one of us here today will at one time in...
10 Ways to Stay Sane in an Overly Online World

10 Ways to Stay Sane in an Overly Online World

Over the last two decades, a lot has changed. The Internet has become mainstream, smartphones have become the norm, and social media has become a popular way to connect and get together. That is a lot of change for a relatively short amount of time on the evolutionary...