When a person enters their twenties and moves away and leaves their teenage years behind, they begin their lives as young adults. At this stage in life, most 20 somethings are thinking about moving out of their parents home and living their own independent life. During this time, young men and women are starting to set a foundation for their lives in which everything in life will be built upon. This is a basic developmental moment in life and a very important one.

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Some young adults these days are having trouble with this life changing event. This was not a problem several generations ago but today it seems like a major issue. According to the Robin Marantz Henig of the New York Times, the economic downturn just might be to blame. Another teen expert, Michelle Fitzsimmons, in an article in Salon magazine also points to the recent financial recession as a agent for this failure to launch dilemma. Generations ago, when the going got tough, twenty somethings were the ones that took charge and went out into the workforce and found a way to be independent no matter what the economy looked like. Many of today’s young adults simply lack the drive that it takes to move on with life.

Don’t Give Up on Struggling Young Adults – There Is Still Hope

If you have an adult child that refuses to find a job and mopes around all day, you may really have a serious problem on your hands. But luckily, there is something you can do to help your child transition into adulthood.without you going crazy and ruining your relationship with your young adult . While it will be a difficult challenge, a residential young adult therapeutic program can help. In a residential program, your child will live and learn the skills needed for them to finally blossom! Some of the things they will learn include how to apply for a job, how to balance a budget and how to manage their daily lives to be more efficient. But what should you look for when looking for a young adult therapeutic program?

Seven Things A Parent Should Look For When Looking For A Program

  1. An attention to detail: Try to be on the lookout for programs that tailor their treatments to the individual needs of the client. This will help your child move on with life much quicker by allowing him or her to work on their specific problems right away.
  2. They work with the entire family: Find a program that will work with not only the child but the parents as well. Problems can sometimes be caused by one or both parents. For the child to move on with their life, parents often have to be coached as well.
  3. deeper look at things: Find a program that focuses on thorough evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.
  4. Experiences help: Try to find a program that will give your child real-life experiences. While in-house therapy helps, there is nothing like getting out there and getting some real life experience. So pick a program that makes this part of the solution.
  5. Make sure they combine therapy with treatment: While therapy must come first, make sure that the program you choose follows through with treatment.
  6. friendly supportive environment: A peer supported environment will allow your child to build his or her skills with the support of others their own age. This will help them learn how to interact with people outside of their comfort zone.
  7. program that works: Look for a program that makes the most out of time, energy and funding.

At The Crossroads Can Help

At The Crossroads is a highly successful residential young adult therapeutic program. When your young adult son or daughter is at ATC’s safe, structured and therapeutic facility, they will learn everything they need to fully develop into an adult. ATC uses a series of programs that places young adults directly out into the “real world” so that they can get the experience they need to live independently. ATC will combine hard work, knowledge and money management which will have your young adult gain the confidence they need be a productive member of society. For more information please call us on 1-866-439-0354.

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