Recently, an Opportunity Nation study identified a serious problem that is impacting the youth in our country. An increasing number of young people have recently been unable to either find employment or afford to attend school. A person caught in this situation has very few options to improve their life or earn a living wage.

Unfortunately, sometimes this means they turn to crime as one of their few options. According to this study, roughly 15 percent of those between the ages of 16 and 24 currently find themselves in this situation. The study also comes to the alarming conclusion that the longer this situation continues, the more difficult it can be for these people to get back on track. This is due to the expectation that an individual will be building their skills and padding their resume during this time in their life. This makes finding a job increasingly difficult as they get older.

At the Crossroads has helped many young men and women get out of the rut of not going anywhere in their life. We assist them in learning job skills and studying habits, as well as gently guide them while they register for school and work a job.

Visit our website or call 1-866-439-035 to find out how we can help your child join the thousands of other successful young adults we’ve helped.

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