At The Crossroads employs a unique blend of therapeutic services and outdoor adventure programming to provide a highly effective independent living program for struggling young adults, ages 18 to 25.

Our clients have struggled with depression or anxiety, the lack of motivation, substance abuse, and other mental health issues, but are now in the early stages of recovery and are looking for further assistance to fully transition into adulthood.

Taking that first step to seek treatment to save your young adult can be difficult. However, we want you to know that our compassionate and dedicated staff is here to support you and your young adult through their journey to lifelong recovery. One path that works with most young adults is adventure therapy or outdoor adventure. When struggling young adults get involved in fun adventure involving the outdoors, they enter a naturally therapeutic environment – a great healing place that sets a foundation to a new healthy lifestyle. There is no other place on earth like Southern Utah.

Outdoor Adventure in Southern Utah

At The Crossroads Adventure Therapy, by its very nature, is a life-skills program that is full of adventure, which is part of our clinical programming. Young adults enjoy the nearby mountains and rivers in which introduces them to adrenaline-pumping activities, giving them a feeling of excitement and energy that is experienced without the use of drugs or alcohol.

At The Crossroads comprehensive and in-depth program, prepares our young adult to make critical life decisions that are proactive and powerful, and in doing so their self-esteem and self-confidence is boosted. Our clients are guided into adulthood with a profoundly solid foundation. [1]

Your young adult will live in a therapeutic environment in secured homes located in St. George, Utah. They will attend college, hold down a job, and learn to take care of their needs, re-establish relationships, and learn to live independently as a stable, successful adult. They will also have fun in the outdoors while hiking, biking, repelling, fishing, snowboarding, golf, tennis, softball, and other outdoor adventures unique to Southern Utah.

We completely understand the challenges that parents and our young adults have been through, but now it is time to transition from an addictive lifestyle to a long term transitional treatment program which will lead them back into an independent, adult world.

With the outdoor adventure opportunities near At The Crossroads, we are better able address the growing need for transitional services. Participation in outdoor therapeutic adventure helps bright young clients who were stuck in between teen hood and adulthood. We help them to develop the necessary skills they will need to live independently and successfully.

Adventure in Southern Utah, Grand Gulch, Cedar Mesa

At The Crossroads therapeutic programs are designed to help restore the mindset of our struggling adults, to head toward a pathway that will lead to long-term success. [2]

At The Crossroads licensed therapists, counselors, and substance abuse counselors tailor’s each student’s program to meet their individual and specific needs. In their adventure therapy program, nature is a great catalyst which will nurture young adults to a better physical health environment, which in turn fosters a greater mental health condition.

With expert guidance, they are placed in a supportive setting that fosters an emotionally safety and the desire to grow. At The Crossroads, troubled young adults are exercising, they are eating and sleeping very well, all of which helps them to begin looking and feeling great!

Explore our website today to help lead your child to a road to recovery and a sober lifestyle which will bring forth a tremendous peace of mind.

Fill out an application for parental access on our website or call us at (866) 439-0354. Our philosophy is to teach the proven Pathway to Success. We are waiting to help you!

Mountain Biking St George, Utah

Article References:

[1]“ The Addiction Recovery Guide” informational web site

[2] “The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs”

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