Obesity is becoming a growing problem nationwide – and Millennials seem to leading the pack when it comes to obesity rates.

Yet, despite the health risks and mortality rates for those who are obese, many young adults seem relatively unconcerned. Why is it that so many Millennials aren’t taking this disease seriously? And, what can you do if you are concerned about your adult child’s health?

Obesity’s Impact on Millennials

According to the Centers for Disease Controlthe obesity rate for Millennials has tripled since its rate of just 5.7% in 1976 and 1980. This is, in part, due to the changing habits of this generation, including the increase in electronics use, as well as decline in exercise. Yet, while obesity is being looked at by some as more of a result of a generation’s conditioned behavior, it is so much more than that.

A study published online in the Journal of Business and Psychology stated that the Millennial generation’s tendency toward obesity will “negatively impact their productivity and resulting economic prosperity.” As parents, this means that the young adults we raised will not just experience increased health risks from being obese (and increased mortality rates at a younger age), but they will have trouble in the working world as well.

But What are the Other Side Effects of Obesity?

Young adults who are dealing with obesity are not only putting themselves in danger of physical health risks, but mental ones as well. It’s not uncommon to experience co-occurring issues and disorders when it comes to being severely overweight, and as young adults use food as a coping mechanism, they fail to the rest of all the positive resources within themselves. This creates imbalance, low self-confidence, depression, anxiety, and may even lead Millennials to experiment with drugs and alcohol as a means of escape. The psychological effects of obesity can be just as damaging as the physical ones, and as a serious disease that is taking over a generation, it’s time something is done about it.

What a Parent Can Do to Help

If your young-adult child is having trouble controlling their weight and is experiencing additional side effects as a result, it should be comforting to know that professional help is available. As a residential treatment center created to help young adults transition successfully into adulthood, At the Crossroads provides a therapeutic environment that can address their individual needs and create a better path for their future. They are not alone in their struggles, and At the Crossroads can help.

At The Crossroads is an Independent Living Program designed to help young adults ages 18-25 to become successful, self-sustaining individuals. To find out more, call us at (866) 439-0354.

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