It is commonly assumed that young adults are full of vibrant youth and are hardy individuals, in the peak of their lifetime health.

What many people don’t realize is that recent studies have shown that various health risks and disease are adversely affecting the mortality rates of this newer generation – also known as Millennials. Overall, it has been observed that this generation of young adults are less active and more obese than earlier generations.

Shortened Mortality?

While this may be shocking some, a closer look at the causes reveal that we shouldn’t be surprised at all. The top cause of death, for example, is unintentional injury, which has been responsible for the demise of 40 per 100,000 young adults in recent years. Smoking and obesity are right behind this statistic, which reflects back on the fact that today’s young adults (on average) are living a more sedentary lifestyle. This is upsetting, though hardly much of a surprise considering the advancement of technology (and its pull of vast entertainment), and the hours upon hours of homework that teachers require of students. This is especially true when a student is taking higher classes, such as the Honors and/or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. This stress and lack of physical activity leads to smoking and obesity. It has been shown that 24% of young adults are obese, while 28% are overweight, but not obese, as of a few years ago. (This is triple what the rates were between 1971 – 1974.)

But – could all of this be prevented?

They absolutely could, and here’s why:

An estimated 1.3 million young adults died in 2012, mostly from preventable and/or treatable causes. Road traffic injuries were the leading cause of death in 2012, with around 330 young adults dying every day. Other main causes include STDs, suicide, and interpersonal violence. Additionally, unprotected sex leading to the STDs also results in teenage pregnancies. Globally, there were 49 births per 1000 girls, aged 15 to 19, back in 2010.

Look to the Future

It is incredibly important that today’s young adults understand that risky behaviors, such as reckless driving, intoxication, drugs and smoking, and unprotected sex, can jeopardize both their current health and their future health. Promoting healthy practices during adolescence will better prepare them to be young adults, and protect them from health risks. If you feel that your young adult is at risk, or has developed unhealthy behaviors, At the Crossroads is available to help. They are a transitional living program designed for troubled young men and women who are having trouble coping with real-life situations, struggle to live independently, are caught up in substance abuse, are emotionally immature, or are just not ready – in general – to make it on their own.

At The Crossroads is an Independent Living Program designed to help young adults ages 18-25 to become successful, self-sustaining individuals. To find out more, call us at (866) 439-0354.

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