Young adulthood is a tough time for many entering into it, but it is especially difficult for the teenager who is moving out for the first time. Leaving the nest for the first time brings feelings of excitement as well as trepidation.

Where are they going? What challenges are they going to face at this point in their life?

Accepting responsibility is tough for young adults. Many times they know what they need to do, but for some reasons can not get themselves to that point.

They are stuck in between being a teenager and moving forward into adulthood. This is harder for troubled teens who do not feel they have a support system in place to take on this big challenge.

What can you do as a parent?

Do you know if they are struggling with anything in particular such as substance abuse? Perhaps they have not been able to identify what it is wrong in their life and lack the motivation to take the next step.

Many troubled teens are depressed and looking for someone to help them make sense of their life and the promise it holds for them.

There are many excellent support groups that provide counseling and direction to both the parent and young adult. This can also include life coaching and mentorship that can help the teenager get back on the right track.

Many offer programs that are geared towards helping the young adult experience success in their life for the first time. When you think about it moving out should really be a success milestone that is celebrated, and not one that is dreaded or put off for one reason or another.

For parents who are struggling with how to help their child in the best way, having someone to turn to is important as well. You can feel relief that you are doing the right thing and will get guidance on how to handle this delicate time in the life of your troubled teen.

Getting your child back on the right path means helping them become independent young adults. Moving out is the first step in the direction of a bright and promising future for them.

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